A coming-of-age musical war drama, about a young boy who discovers how through hardship, camaraderie, first love, and the liberating freedom of music, the true self can be discovered

A team of young explorers discover an island which is home to a deadly predator.

A runaway, teenage, suicide bomber and his newfound ally, a young prostitute, must rely on each other to survive the night while searching for answers to the terrible secrets that made them who they are.


After being sent to Nigeria against his will, a stubborn Nigerian-American teenager joins forces with an Internet scammer in order to return to the United States.

A passionate conservation biologist brings together a river bushman fearful of losing his past and a young scientist uncertain of her future on an epic, four-month expedition across three African countries, through unexplored and dangerous landscapes, in order to save the Okavango Delta, one of our planet's last pristine wildernesses

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